Forensic analysis

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todayApril 27, 2024


Digital Forensics

Network Storage and Digital Forensics: Navigating NAS and SAN

In the area of digital forensics, the acquisition and analysis of data stored on various devices and storage systems is an important task. As organizations increasingly adopt network storage solutions like Network Attached Storage (NAS) and Storage Area Networks (SAN), forensic investigators must understand the unique challenges and considerations associated ...

todayApril 5, 2024


Digital Forensics Anjali Singhal

How to Detect and Investigate Network Security Breaches Using Forensics

Understanding Network Forensics Network forensics can be described as the process of capturing, recording, and examining network events to uncover the origin of security breaches or any malicious activities. Unlike conventional digital forensics, which focuses on scrutinizing individual devices such as computers and mobile phones, network forensics specifically deals with ...

todayFebruary 5, 2024


Digital Forensics Anjali Singhal

USB Forensics: Understanding the Basics of Digital Investigation

INTRODUCTION In the constantly changing field of cybersecurity and digital crime, USB forensics has become essential to the investigator’s toolkit. Given how frequently USB devices are used in both personal and professional contexts, it is crucial to understand the intricacies of USB forensics in order to find digital evidence and ...

todayJanuary 16, 2024


Digital Forensics Anjali Singhal

How are Cybersecurity and Cyber Forensics Related?

In the modern world, everyone relies on electronic devices. Your work, contacts, and personal information are always accessible, whether on a PC, tablet, or mobile phone. Unfortunately, personal information can easily fall into the wrong hands, which is why cybersecurity and cyber forensics are critical. While both professions try to secure ...

todayJanuary 13, 2024


Digital Forensic Glossary

Digital Forensic Glossary

A Driver A group of files that enable one or more hardware devices to communicate with the computer’s operating system. Without drivers, the computer would not be able to send and receive data correctly to hardware devices, such as a printer. A Message Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5) Hash An algorithm ...

todayJanuary 3, 2024


Computer Forensics Anjali Singhal

The Ultimate Guide to BitLocker: Security Measures and Best Practices in Forensics

Encryption is critical in digital security because it protects sensitive information. By encrypting entire drive volumes, BitLocker, a widely used encryption solution developed by Microsoft, provides a strong protection mechanism. It assures that even if a device enters into the hands of an unauthorized person, the data is inaccessible without ...

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